
Learn how to download Google Maps offline


Have you ever had to use Google Maps to find a place only to find that you had no network reception? This frustrating experience can leave you helpless, especially in remote areas where it is almost impossible to find a network signal. Fortunately, Google Maps offers an offline maps feature that can get you out of this predicament. By downloading the map of your destination in advance, you can ensure that you don't get lost even if the cellular connection drops. Here's how to download Google Maps offline on iOS and Android devices.

Download Google Maps offline on iOS

  • Open Google Maps: Launch the Google Maps app on your iOS device.
  • Search for your destination: Enter the name or address of the place you want to visit.
  • Accessing the info bar: Scroll horizontally on the information bar that appears at the bottom of the screen. This bar contains options such as directions, saving and sharing.
  • Select “Download offline map”: In the menu, find and tap the “Download offline map” option.
  • Select the map area: Adjust the map view to select the area you want to download. You can zoom in or out to capture the region you want.
  • Start downloading: Tap the Download button to start the process. Once the download is complete, the map will be available offline.

Download Google Maps offline on Android

  • Open Google Maps: Launch the Google Maps app on your Android device.
  • Find your destination: Enter the destination you want to visit in the search bar.
  • Access the menu: Swipe up from the bottom of the screen to see more options. Find the three-dot menu icon in the top right corner of the screen.
  • Select “Download offline map”: Tap the Download offline map option in the menu.
  • Select your map area: Adjust the map view to select the area you want to download. Zoom in or out as needed to include the desired region.
  • Start downloading: Tap the Download button to start the download. Once the download is complete, your map will be saved for offline use.

Benefits of downloading Google Maps offline

Downloading maps offline can be incredibly useful, especially in remote areas or situations where you want to save mobile data. Here are some key benefits:

  • Uninterrupted navigation: You can continue navigating without any problems even when there is no cellular signal.
  • Data storage: Using offline maps can help you save on mobile data usage, which is especially beneficial if you have a limited data plan.
  • Faster loading times: Offline maps load faster than maps based on real-time data, providing a smoother user experience.
  • reliability: In emergency situations or unfamiliar areas, a reliable map can be critical to your safety and peace of mind.

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