
Texas city turns to technology to alleviate police shortage


Dallas isn't the only major city in Texas suffering from a severe shortage of police officers. Houston is trying to fill that gap by using new technology.

As previously reported by The Dallas ExpressDallas police response times have exceeded the department's goals due to a shortfall of about 1,000 officers. With a budget of just $654 million in taxpayer dollars for the DPD this fiscal year, Dallas city officials have chosen to spend significantly less on public safety than other high-crime cities like Chicago, Los Angeles and New York City.

Both Houston and Dallas have turned to technology to help mitigate their officer shortages. According to a report from Houston Public Media:

“Houston Mayor John Whitmire announced last week that he wants to terminate the city's contract with ShotSpotter, the controversial audio surveillance system that detects gunshots and alerts police.

“Acting Houston Police Chief Larry Satterwhite recently said that due to staffing shortages, police are relying more heavily on Flock Safety cameras, a license plate scanning camera program that tracks license plates on vehicles and alerts police to clues linking them to crimes.

“On Tuesday's Houston Matters, Dr. Everette Penn, a professor at the University of Houston Clear Lake and founder of the Teens and Police Services Academy, said HPD, like other departments, is in a difficult position and must rely on such technologies to conduct police work.

“They're in a difficult position because they lack police officers who can fight crime every day. That's why innovation is necessary,” Penn said. “And when those innovations are challenged, you have to look at technology.”

“Penn added that effective policing to reduce crime requires the presence of officers on the streets.”

To read the full article from Houston Public Media, click HERE.

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