
How many dads does it take to close a stroller? Viral TikTok


“And so many mothers do this while holding a baby!”

Mustafa Gatollari - Author
How many fathers does it take to close a stroller?
Source: TikTok | @jordanflomofficial

If you want to cause confusion, just give a father an open stroller and ask him to close it.

While this might be a grossly exaggerated statement and not limited to dads, check out this post from a dad who once hated strollers and says his eyes have been opened and he now loves the things.

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But in the beginning it was contempt. And for many fathers, that contempt can also come from anger: they don't know how the hell these things even work.

This confusion over the mechanisms used in many modern strollers became the subject of a viral TikTok uploaded by Jordan Flom (@jordanflomofficial). The video shows several men failing miserably at folding a stroller.

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The video begins with Jordan watching and filming another man from his car trying to load a stroller into his own car.

“He can’t get it together,” says the TikToker, filming the man’s visible frustration with the baby walker.

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“He won’t have a stroller anymore,” a woman’s voice can be heard next to Jordan as Jordan laughs.

The frustrated father throws the stroller over as his desperation grows. The seat part of the stroller eventually falls out. “Oh, he dropped the seat,” the woman notes.

“He must have pressed the wrong button,” Jordan says as they notice another gentleman approaching Stroller Dad. “I'm kidding, how many dads does it take to do that… I think it's the side button down there?” Jordan is heard saying on camera as they see Stroller Dad and Helper Dad team up and try to fold the stroller.

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How many dads does it take to close a stroller? TikTok
Source: TikTok | @jordanflomofficial

“I thought it was sideways in the middle, right in the middle,” the woman says as she watches the two men continue to try to close the stroller. At one point in the clip, the stroller dad enters his car, which one of the voyeurs says is because he's “checking on his baby.”

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“He puts it back up, no, you put it down,” Jordan says, watching Stroller Dad reattach the seat to the stroller while he stands with his new helper, examining the stroller situation. At this point, a third guy who has just jogged by approaches the two men.

How many dads does it take to close a stroller? TikTok
Source: TikTok | @jordanflomofficial

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Jordan and the woman have high hopes for the newbie's ability to close the stroller: “Here he comes,” one of them mutters in the car as they watch the men tip the thing onto its side. “I'm glad the baby isn't in it… otherwise it would have been spinning around in circles,” the woman says, laughing.

“I think every father in the world knows this feeling,” says Jordan as they watch the three men lift the stroller and then simultaneously try to close it, using their bodies to move as they go. Unfortunately, it doesn't lock into place.

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The clip then switches to the stroller turned on its side again, while the new visitor, who has just been jogging, begins to hover near the push-button area where the control mechanism is located that regulates the opening and closing of the stroller.

How many dads does it take to close a stroller? TikTok
Source: TikTok | @jordanflomofficial

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But then his hand moves further up one side of the stroller, seemingly away from that collapsing point, while the stroller dad picks up his phone and appears to be talking to someone. “I can guarantee it's his wife,” says the woman in the car. They watch as the man holds out the phone so the helper dad can hear who is on the other end.

Finally, a woman arrives at the gathering. She puts her hand on the stroller and apparently activates a mechanism built into the handle, whereupon she folds it down until it is folded in on itself.

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How many dads does it take to close a stroller? TikTok
Source: TikTok | @jordanflomofficial

“Did she do it with one hand?” asks Jordan.

“One-handed,” says the woman with Jordan as they watch everyone run off in opposite directions. Helper Dad exchanges a few words with Stroller Dad before the video finally ends.

Numerous commenters noted how “stressed” they were by the way the dads handled the stroller, such as this person who wrote, “Dude that's a Mockingbird stroller, those are EXPENSIVE.”

Meanwhile, someone else said the stroller held up suspiciously well: “If this is an indication of how durable and sturdy this Mockingbird stroller is, then it's brilliant.”