
UFC CEO Dana White claims Power Slap has “more viewers” ​​than any Taylor Swift video ever posted


White's Swift claim

“What if I did this, made it a real sport, got it approved and had a good production behind it?” White said on FLAGRANT, recalling his first exchange. “The answer is billions of fucking views. Billions of views worldwide.”

“Think about it,” he continued. “We started this 15 months ago, right? Right now on YouTube, we have more subscribers than NHL (National Hockey League), MLS (Major League Soccer), NASCAR (racing), PGA (Professional Golfer's Association), Barstool Sports. We have over a billion views on YouTube. Eight of the 12 biggest YouTube shorts against other major sports are Power Slap. Four of the five biggest YouTube shorts on the UFC channel. We're No. 1, 2, 3 and 4 on UFC. When you think of Conor McGregor, Ronda Rousey, Brock Lesnar and all the big stars, this thing absolutely dominates. We have more followers than every single professional sport. Every professional sports team has more followers than them in 15 months. I don't know about the soccer teams, but I would say yes.”

“We have more viewers than any Taylor Swift video ever posted,” White summarized.

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