
Ip Man 5 must bring back this actor to make up for a major insult to a kung fu movie legend



  • “Ip Man 5” starring Donnie Yen is confirmed and could make up for Master Law’s previous defeats in the franchise.
  • Lo Mang, a former martial arts star, deserves a big win in Ip Man 5 to honor his legacy.
  • The film is intended to be a homage to Lo Mang's Shaw Brothers films by showcasing his unique fighting style.

An insult to a kung fu movie legend can finally be made good when a supporting character returns for Ip-Man 5. The martial arts film series seemed to come to an end with Ip Man 4: The Finale end, but it has become clear that even the death of the title character did not kill the series. But somehow Ip-Man 5 happens regardless.

Currently, very little is known about the plans for Ip-Man 5. However, it has been confirmed that the project is in development and Donnie Yen is returning in his role as the famous Wing Chun grandmaster. While there is no confirmation one way or the other, it stands to reason that the film will be set at an earlier point in the timeline than Ip-Man 4making the film a previously unpublished chapter in Ip Man's life story. As for who will accompany him, there is a good chance that the film will also feature the Ip-Man The regular supporting cast of the films should give the film another chance to make up for a misstep by Ip-Man 3.


Ip Man: What the martial arts movies left out about Bruce Lee (and why)

The Ip Man films left out an important part of Bruce Lee's life, but this ultimately proved to be better for both the series and Lee's role in it.

Master Law's defeat in IP Man 3 was a disrespect to Lo Mang's image from the kung fu film

The Shaolin Hercules deserved better

Lo Mang as Master Law in Ip Man 2

Despite appearances in three of the four Ip-Man Movies, Lo Mang's Master Law has received very little recognition for his martial arts expertise. Introduced in Ip-Man 2 A monkey-style kung fu practitioner and one of the local martial arts masters Ip Man befriended, Law was one of several fighters trained by Ip-Man 3 villain Cheung Tin-chi. The film only touches on Tin-chi's challenge battles superficially, devoting no more than 10 seconds to his easy victory over Master Law. Master Law did not land a single blow on Tin-chi, a fact that would not have been remarkable if Lo Mang had not been a former martial arts star.

Years before joining the Ip-Man series as Master Law, Lo was a favorite of Shaw Brothers, the leading kung fu film studio in Hong Kong in the 1970s and 1980s. During this time Lo Mang appeared in supporting roles in over a dozen martial arts films.of which the most famous The five deadly poisons. Then known as “The Shaolin Hercules” Due to his muscular body, Lo played Toad, a member of the titular group and one of its three heroes. Especially due to his role, The five deadly poisons has since become a cult classic.

While The five deadly poisons is perhaps Lo Mang's greatest contribution to the martial arts genre, but it is far from the only action film he should be remembered for. Lo and four of his Five deadly poisons Co-stars in some of the best kung fu films of the 1970s. He was involved in films such as Crippled Avengers, TheChild with the golden arm, Rebel InvadersAnd 2 Champions of ShaolinLo usually played one of the heroes, but was sometimes cast as a villain, allowing them to play a wide range of roles throughout their career.

Master Law deserves a big win in IP Man 5

Master Law must avenge his past losses

Master Law in Ip Man 2

Due to Lo Mang’s outstanding background as a star of the Shaw Brothers and a member of the Venom Mob, he was an outstanding addition to the Ip-Man cast, which makes his use in the film all the more problematic. Losing to Tin-chi in a matter of seconds was his low point in the franchise, but it also speaks for the attitude towards him in general. He also lost to Ip Man in a table fight in Ip-Man 2A loss for the protagonist was to be expected, but given Lo's past, it was reasonable to assume that a character played by him would be at least one of the Ip Man's best fights. However, his kung fu never seemed to affect Donnie Yen's character.

Until now, The Ip-Man The franchise has yet to prove why it chose someone of Los caliber for the role of Master LawThis could change in Ip-Man 5 if the series takes his character in a new direction and gives him a meaningful victory. Such a scenario doesn't seem unimaginable despite Law's defeats. Even though he lost to Ip, his moves still looked exceptional. They also showed that even though it's been years since Lo beat up bad guys in his Venom Mob movies, the actor hasn't forgotten anything. With that in mind, it's all the more disappointing that the films don't exploit the full potential of his skills.

To correct this, Ip-Man 5 must give viewers a reminder of what Lo Mang is capable of. Maybe a scene in Ip-Man 5 can reveal that Master Law got lax in training before his fight with Tin-chi and has stepped up his training since then. If that happens, Master Law can make a real difference in a future fight. Since Ip Man will always be the hero of the franchise, it might be difficult to find an opportunity for that, but it could be positive for the film if Ip teams up with Master Law and others against multiple fighters. If that's the case, a series of one-on-one fights can open the door for Law to score an impressive victory of his own.

How IP Man 5 can honor the legacy of Lo Mang’s Shaw Brothers

Ip Man 5 was supposed to be a homage to Lo Mang's kung fu films

A victory in Ip-Man 5 is, of course, the best way the franchise can properly honor Lo Mang's legacy as a kung fu movie star. But what would make this even better would be a direct homage to his long career in the Shaw Brothers films. This could come in several forms. The actor has had no shortage of memorable moments in his kung fu films, ranging from Lo Mang's extraordinary training sequence in Invincible Shaolin to his fight scenes in The five deadly poisonsEach of these can be easily referenced in Ip-Man 5 about another appearance of Master Law and whatever his story has to offer.

Alternative, Ip-Man 5 can benefit from Lo Mang's personality, which he repeatedly brought to his roles in the 1970s and 1980s. Most of Lo's characters shared several of the same mannerisms, including his confident demeanor and hotheaded attitude. Each of these traits, once common in his Venom Mob appearances, could be found in Ip-Man 5. The film could also portray Master Law as a fighter of tremendous, unmatched power, which would go a long way toward giving a kung fu legend the respect he deserves.

Ip Man 5 movie poster