
With this free download you can finally explore Hogwarts Legacy with friends


With this free download you can finally explore Hogwarts Legacy with friends

Explore Hogwarts with a friend with this free download

If there's one thing that would do that Hogwarts legacy Something more fun would be the opportunity to go on adventures with friends. Luckily, there's a free download that has us covered.

Although Hogwarts legacy is inspired by the Harry Potter works, but lacks something that Harry Potter himself had: companions. With the option of only traveling alone unless the quests require a companion, it can be quite a lonely path.

Visit the Hogwarts legacy Trailer below!

Luckily, a modder from Nexus Mods has us covered thanks to his Companions Mod. This allows your witch or wizard to be accompanied by a companion on their journey through Hogwarts and the surrounding areas.

The companion can be one of your fellow students or even your favorite professor and he will stay by your side unless called from his own quest. Although they choose to teleport when you use your broom, they are there every step of the way.

This also applies to combat zones, the Space of Requirement and beyond. They also cast the same spells as you, fight enemies, and even make the odd comment about your exploits.

This is just one of many ways to increase your enjoyment Hogwarts legacy which may just have an uncertain future as it was recently reported that the sequel could be a live service title. Since there are many dissatisfied fans, the bad news remains.

It turned out that the Hogwarts legacy The free summer update would be released later this year and despite some promised features, players aren't holding out much hope. With Warner Bros. at the helm and no hope for the future of the triple AAA genre, it remains to be seen what will come of it Hogwarts legacy.

For now, it's up to the dedicated modding community to provide us with the additional content we need.

Featured image source: Avalanche Software

Topics: Hogwarts Legacy, Harry Potter, Mods, PC