
Nerds, rejoice – the latest “love hacking” dating trend is aimed at us


If you've been in the dating scene for a while, you've probably tried a variety of techniques to improve your matches on dating apps, have more exciting dates, and even define exactly what you want in a partner.

Well, according to dating website, there's a new trend just in time for Hot Girl Summer. It's called “Love Hacking” and unlike previous dating trends, this one is much more data intensive and requires constant tweaking and checking to get just right.

It sounds like a lot of work, but maximum input = maximum return, right?

What love hacking actually is

According to “In dating terms, “love hacking” refers to hacking or optimization techniques to improve the online dating experience.

“This can include a variety of methods and tools, such as artificial intelligence to maximize the effectiveness of interactions on dating platforms, increase the chances of matching with potential partners, or optimize one's bio to attract a specific type of partner. “

Sounds like a lot of work actually. This is how it works:

Online dating profile optimization

Instead of compiling your most recent photos with a cute little bio to match, creating a dating app bio as a love hacker requires a little more precision.

Choose photos that showcase your best self, write a bio that grabs attention, but also make sure to add eye-catching keywords. Think carefully about what you want people to know about you and make sure you use those exact words, because in a swiping session you need to make sure your word catches a potential suitor's attention.

Are you thinking about foregoing the biography? You might miss something. Recent research has found that users, especially women, automatically swipe left on profiles with blank bios.

Applying psychology and communication sciences says, “Applying principles of social psychology and communication improves interactions with potential partners.” Meeting someone online can be difficult, but there are ways to make it easier.

“Borrow tips from psychology and communication sciences to help you build connection, create chemistry, and keep the conversation going.”

So instead of just watching your conversation unfold and facing the possibility of another dead end, learn a little more about how to keep the conversation going, what questions people like to ask, and how to avoid the dreaded “So , How was your day, haha? The message comes back to haunt you.

Be strategic when choosing your dating platform

Instead of scrolling through different apps while chatting with lots of different people, check your experience data on all of them. How many have resulted in quality games? How many led to a good date?

After analyzing this data, choose the right dating app and deactivate your other profiles.

Emma Hatharn, dating expert at, said: “Love hacking embodies a fusion of technology and the search for human connection, offering a wide range of possibilities.”