
Generation Z has started a new trend of rotting in bed


It's about lying in bed with a phone and snacks on days off instead of doing something more constructive. Experts admit that if “rot in bed” This happens from time to time, there is nothing wrong with it. It's even worse when it becomes routine.

Do you like “rot in bed” if you don't have a day full of responsibilities? Who doesn't skip all activities every now and then, leave the sink full of dishes, dust on the shelves, empty the fridge and treat themselves to lying in bed and spending time watching films and TV series or finishing overdue books with a pizza read your hand?

However, psychologists see this as a significant threat. Such a reset from time to time is not a bad thing and may even be necessary. However, it is better not to practice doing nothing too often so that it does not become a habit.

Unfortunately, this type of trend is already quite popular among young people born at the turn of the 1990s and 2000s. It even has its own name – bed rot, which literally means something like this “rotting in bed.”

Dr. Jessica Golda doctoral student in psychiatry at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis who was recently recalled from Radio Zet admitted this on CNN “She allows herself to laze in bed from time to time.” However, the key word here is “from time to time.”

Everyone needs a complete break from all duties sometimes and that shouldn't be underestimated. Regeneration of the body is necessary to move forward with energy.

It is important, however, that this is not the only form of relaxation. A “day off” Every now and then is fine. “However, if bed rot is our only way to pass time, it may be worth seeing a psychologist. Depression and anxiety disorders are often masked in this way.” explains Dr. Gold.

This article was originally published on Onet woman.