
YouTube switches to AV1 codec on Android for better video quality, but battery life is an issue


YouTube recently started encoding its videos using the AV1 codec, which promises significant improvements in video quality, especially at lower bitrates. In simpler terms, you can stream higher quality videos without using as much data.

As Android Police reports, this is a welcome change for mobile data plan users where data usage can be a big problem. However, there is also a potential downside to switching to AV1. Because AV1 is a more complex codec than what YouTube traditionally uses, decoding requires more processing power. This could result in increased battery drain for some users, especially on older devices that lack hardware decoding for AV1.

It's important to note that Google is not the first company to adopt AV1. The streaming giant Netflix has also been using AV1 for its Android app for some time. So the move to AV1 is part of a larger trend in the video streaming industry. So what does this mean for you, the average YouTube viewer? The good news is that you'll likely be able to enjoy higher quality videos without draining your data plan as quickly. However, if you have an older device, you may experience a slight decrease in battery life.

If you're worried about battery life, there are a few things you can do. First, you can try reducing the playback quality of YouTube videos. This reduces the amount of data that needs to be decoded, which can help improve battery life. You can also try closing any other apps that you are not using, as this can help free up processing power and extend battery life.

However, if you have a newer Android device running Android 12 and newer, YouTuber's move to AV1 should be a positive change for you. You will notice a significant improvement in video quality, especially if you are on a cellular plan, although there is a possibility of increased battery drain.