
Frogtown's youth soccer program comes across a teammate who was accidentally shot in the head


ST. PAUL, Minn. – A youth soccer team in St. Paul rallies around their teammate.

Eleven-year-old Damarjae Lott was accidentally shot in the head back March 29th. A 34-year-old man is charged due to improper storage of the weapon.

“Damarjae is heavy on our minds and hearts,” said David Ross-Jones, head coach of the Frogtown Youth Football team.

The fifth and sixth grade players who make up his team have had a successful season, making their first appearance at the National Championships. Now, this spring, as a new season begins, they are less about winning and more about coping.

“I say all the time, 'Idleness is the devil's playground', so let's just try to get back to doing what we love to do, which is play football,” Ross-Jones said. “It’s been difficult for us, but they feed off each other.”



Damarjae is recovering at Gillette Children's in downtown St. Paul, and in true Frogtown Youth Football fashion, his recovery has been nothing short of miraculous.

“He speaks, recognizes everyone’s voice and moves all his limbs, that’s God’s blessing,” Ross-Jones said.

This team has already shown so much resilience as players when they were doubted, and now they're using the strength they've gained to stand up for their friend.

“We are proud to be a family and that is it. We have a brother who is down and we will stick together and fight for our brother,” Ross-Jones said.

The team raises money for the Lott family to cover mounting medical bills.